Ardenwald PTO

We love our school!

Donate today

Thank you for considering donating to the PTO! Any donation is a tremendous help to support our all stars.

Your donation is tax deductible! The Ardenwald PTO Tax ID# is: 81-1061029

PTO Buy Out: We realize not everyone is willing or able to participate in fundraising activities. If each student family donated just $25 - $40, we would have enough money to cover our yearly expenses.

Other ways to help

A few ways to help that are not donation based!

Blue Bags!

Ardenwald PTO partners with Bottle Drop, if you fill a blue bag and turn it in, Ardenwald receives the proceeds! Blue bags are available at all PTO school events and always in the front office.

Box Tops for Education

No longer do you need to cut out codes from boxes and mail them in - it’s all digital now! Simply download the Box Tops app located in the app store, connect with Ardenwald Elementary and snap a picture of your receipt after you’ve done your grocery shopping. That’s all you need to do!


We’re always looking for volunteer help with events and other things throughout the school year. Stay tuned here or on our social media for upcoming opportunities. Please note, in order to volunteer you must have a current background check on file with the school.

Upcoming events

  • Ardenwald Food Drive

    12.2 - 12.16

    Ardenwald is participating in the Milwaukie Lions & Elks Food Drive! Please bring nonperishable foods and canned goods (please, no glass jars). Donations can be dropped off outside the front office and in boxes in the lobby hallway.

  • December PTO Meeting

    12.3 6:30pm

    Join us for our December PTO meeting!

  • Reverend's BBQ Dine-Out


    Dine in or dine out (no 3rd party deliveries) at Reverend’s BBQ between 12pm-9pm and 10% of proceeds will be donated to the school! No code needed.

  • January PTO Meeting (In Person!)



    Save the date! Details to come!

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

  • Stay tuned for our next event!

    Thanks to everyone who made the Fall Festival, Stock the Staff Room and the staff Gratitude Lunch great success!

Need Ardenwald Spirit Wear?!

Click here to order any time directly from Made in Milwaukie